Monday, February 8, 2010

Feed ME!

Nicholas has officially started his quest towards solid foods. He's currently mastering Rice Cereal (loves it!) and first round of vegetables...SWEET POTATOES (he likes so far but only two days in)...Can you tell my boy loves to eat (just like his MOMMA!)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Randomness - Part I

Okay...lame I am..haven't posted here since November of 2009! The craziness. Having a kid, the holidays and going back to work apparently didn't leave me much time to update (though somehow I have managed to keep up with my online game playing of Boggle Bash and Bejeweled...hmmmm).
So let's begin shall we with a recap. High-level randomness:

November - Our first Family Thanksgiving at my Parents - Good Food, Good Family, Good Day!
My brother could make Nicholas laugh like no other on that day

December - Arthritis Jingle Bell Walk/Run:

4th year of the Biddies & Babes and we keep growing (notice our ugly Christmas Sweaters...we love them!)

Nicholas lovin' his reindeer antlers
Moira & Pige on their maiden Jingle Bell Walk adventure (Pige did so good!)
Me and Nicholas
December - Nicholas rockin his winter hats

stay tuned for more randomness...have to take a break to do 'work' but enjoy all that is Nicholas:)

Monday, November 23, 2009

NOW #4: Cousins

Over the weekend, Nicholas' cousins came over to hang out. His older cousin, Sophia, was so good with both Nicholas and Sophia's brother, Joaquin - who happens to be a mere two and a half weeks younger than Nicholas but looks much smaller because Nick is such a brut- and kept them both entertained while the adults just sat back and relaxed.
Nicholas loves having his peeps over for chill time. As you can see, he likes to zone out.

Return of the Cake Queen

After a short stint away from cake making (no one told me having a little one was so much work..ha!), I returned to slinging frosting this past Saturday for Jen's son Wyatt's 3rd birthday. He's ga-ga over trains right now so I decided to make him a Choo-Choo train cake.
Since I'm easing back into the cake life, I decided to keep the design simple and sweet. And to my pleasant surprise I thought it turned out great! Oh she's back! Enjoy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt

Thursday, October 29, 2009

NOW #3 - It's All In The Name

My parents have officially declared their grandparent names for Nicholas to call them. Any guesses? Nope not FooFoo and Mr. Becker (though highly favored by those who have known my dad for a long time). Not Grandma and Grandpa. Or Gran and Gramps. Give Up? Please meet:

(second generation as my Grandma MacQueen was called Granny as well)

(German for Grandpa)

As you might be able to tell, Nicholas already has Granny and Opa wrapped around his teeny tiny pinky!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

This past Sunday, we went to the Cal Poly Pomona Pumpkin Patch to fetch us some pumpkins to turn into Jack O Lanterns. Gabe, myself and Nicholas joined Gabe's brother's family (Pete, Claudia, Sophia and little Joaquin) on the venture.

I can't remember the last time I have been to an actual patch (or more like field) rather than the local Vons or Target parking lot to pick out my pumpkin. It was a lot of fun, tons of people, tons of pumpkins. Brought back great memories of going pumpkin hunting with my dad when I was a kid.

Gabe and I were excited to share the experience with Nicholas. As you can see he slept through the whole thing. I didn't have the heart to wake him up. He looked so peaceful just hanging out.
I think Gabe and his brother Pete made up for Nicholas and had the most fun...look at those two 'kids' picking up pumpkins (now I know how Gabe and I ended up with 4 yes 4 pumpkins for just the three of us. Oh well guess we have a lot of carving and toasted pumpkin seeds in our future).

After we picked our perfect pumpkins, we even had time for a family photo op!

All in all a great day. I'll let you know how the pumpkins turned out once we carve them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NOW #2 - Male Model

I have wanted to get some professional pictures taken of Nicholas since he was born but it took me until last weekend to finally do it. My sister Moira recommended a friend of hers and I am so glad as I think she did a fabulous job.

And Nicholas did a faboulous job too...if professional athlete doesn't pan out I think he might have a future as a male model. What do you think?

If you want to see a few more shots go to Mandi Horn Photography Blog where she has posted a few shots of Nicholas on her blog. I just love the one with Nicholas and his Granny. Mandi is a great photographer and her blog is filled with wonderful shots of families, weddings and babies etc.

Once I get a CD full of the rest of the pictures (she took tons!) I'm hoping to share a few more. So be prepared to be bombared with all that is Nicholas!