Monday, September 28, 2009

Nicholas's First Month

It appears I have very little precious time in between naps, feedings, and holding/ staring/ kissing/ entertaining my little bundle of joy, Nicholas....but thought I would share a few of my favorite pictures of the little monkey taken over the past month. I can't believe how much he has changed in such a little amount of time.

Here's what I think Nicholas was thinking in these photos:

"What you looking at Willis?"
"Ooh it's naked Tuesday already?"
"I am so not digging this hat/onsie combo..though I do look cute as can be!"
"Ah this is the life. Free room and board...comfy"
"In the jungle the mighty jungle..."

I have taken tons of pictures but have uploaded most of them to Kodakgallery. I will try and go through them and post some more as soon as possible.
I can't believe a month has flown by so quickly and that I'm a mom to such a wonderful little human lucky am I?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the World Nicholas!

On Wednesday, August 26th, Gabe and I welcomed our new baby boy, Nicholas Phillip Becker Ruiz into the world at 12:32pm (via c-section). He weighed 8lbs 2oz and measured 20 inches long. Of course he is perfect!
Since that day, Gabe and I have enjoyed every moment of being parents to Nicholas. We have learned that you really can survive off of 45 minutes sleep if need be; that we are on Nicholas' schedule (at least for the first couple of weeks); we've learned that we make a pretty good tag team for diapers, burpings, comforting and well cracking ourselves up (that might be due to the lack of sleep, but either way we are two funny people at least to each other!)

I've also learned that I still don't like belly buttons (the umbilical cord is disgusting) , breastfeeding is totally rewarding but hurts like hell those first few weeks; dirty diapers are disgusting but a necessary evil and smiles from my baby are the most wonderful sight (you can say it's just baby gas...but I like to think it's Nicholas laughing at his parents)!

Overall, this has been the most precious and rewarding time of my life. I feel so lucky to have been able to bring Nicholas into our lives. And thank you to all of you for the congratulations and well wishes...Gabe and I are really touched by everyone's excitement and genuine interest in our new bundle of joy.

So welcome Nicholas Phillip Becker are so loved!