Monday, November 23, 2009

NOW #4: Cousins

Over the weekend, Nicholas' cousins came over to hang out. His older cousin, Sophia, was so good with both Nicholas and Sophia's brother, Joaquin - who happens to be a mere two and a half weeks younger than Nicholas but looks much smaller because Nick is such a brut- and kept them both entertained while the adults just sat back and relaxed.
Nicholas loves having his peeps over for chill time. As you can see, he likes to zone out.

Return of the Cake Queen

After a short stint away from cake making (no one told me having a little one was so much work..ha!), I returned to slinging frosting this past Saturday for Jen's son Wyatt's 3rd birthday. He's ga-ga over trains right now so I decided to make him a Choo-Choo train cake.
Since I'm easing back into the cake life, I decided to keep the design simple and sweet. And to my pleasant surprise I thought it turned out great! Oh she's back! Enjoy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt