Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ah the Spa!

Yesterday, my two gal pals, Jen and Becs, and I met up for our October GNO: An evening at the Spa then dinner. Here's us pre-treatments (visions in white...we know!)
All of us having been running ourselves in overdrive lately so the Spa was a natural choice. No, sing alongs or bull riding here...just serenity now! Plus, we gave Becs a giftcard to the Spa for her birthday and didn't think she should have to go by herself, so being the best friends we are, sacrificed and treated ourselves to a couple of treatments as well. Look at all the pampered little piggies (I'm referring to Becs' fingers & Jen's toes that is...pigging out comes later read on!)

It was heavenly and blissful, and all of us agreed that for a day spa, probably the best we have been. (If you get a chance check out Coldcreek Day Spa in Otay Ranch...though their front desk lady needs to attend a customer speedy service seminar...the treatments were worth it!)

Oh yeah almost forgot: Dinner. After our 3 hour blissfest, we were starving (hey, being pampered is hard work), so we headed over to Macaroni Grill (high class...again, we know!) and proceeded to take down our pasta dishes like no one's business. We shared food, wine and laughter and had another great GNO evening.
Thanks ladies...can't wait until next month's adventure....LOVE YOU GIRLS!


Beth said...

Cute pics! I freakin' love the spa and wish I were there right now.

Anonymous said...

Take me to the spa sometime!!