Monday, November 23, 2009
NOW #4: Cousins
Return of the Cake Queen
Thursday, October 29, 2009
NOW #3 - It's All In The Name

As you might be able to tell, Nicholas already has Granny and Opa wrapped around his teeny tiny pinky!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
NOW #2 - Male Model
And Nicholas did a faboulous job too...if professional athlete doesn't pan out I think he might have a future as a male model. What do you think?
If you want to see a few more shots go to Mandi Horn Photography Blog where she has posted a few shots of Nicholas on her blog. I just love the one with Nicholas and his Granny. Mandi is a great photographer and her blog is filled with wonderful shots of families, weddings and babies etc.
Once I get a CD full of the rest of the pictures (she took tons!) I'm hoping to share a few more. So be prepared to be bombared with all that is Nicholas!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
NOW #1: Fishing Hat
So taking a cue from my co-worker's wife, Beth, I thought I would start a picture of the week (or as Beth affectionately calls it POW). Beth has been doing this on her blog for a while now and it's always a fun way to peek into her world of days gone by.
For my effort, I am going to modify the POW to a NOW (Nicholas picture Of the Week of course) and try and do a posting once a week.
Here we go...........................
This first NOW #1 is Nicholas in a WAY TO BIG but damn adorable fishing hat this past Saturday. His Aunt Lil wanted to take him outside and needed a hat because of the sun, and this is what I came up with (it was this or a beanie). Doesn't he looked thrilled?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Nicholas's First Month
Here's what I think Nicholas was thinking in these photos:
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Welcome to the World Nicholas!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Uncle Richard Takes a Bath

It's a Canadian Wedding..don't ya know?
I don't have much details of the actual wedding to share, but did want to share some of the photos that were taken.

A good shot of the happy couple and extended family.

Congratulations to Neil and Kelly! They make an awesome couple. Can't wait to see them in September when they come to San Diego for their 'California Honeymoon'.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Pomona Baby Shower
We sat outside for most of the shower, enjoying food, games and conversation, but when it came time to open the gifts we moved into the air conditioned house. By the way, air conditioning seems to diminish in power when there are 30 plus women crammed into one room. I was sweating like a pregnant pig in heat (or maybe that was my nerves kickin it).
It was a crazy experience opening gifts as Claudia and I did it at the same time. Which was good and bad. Good because it kept the focus off of me to a minimum but bad because I couldn't see what cool gifts Claudia was getting. Oh, and as much as I loved all the gifts (cute onsies and baby things), I had the hardest time thanking people because I had just met most of them 2 hours prior and didn't remember names. (Or it could have also been due to the fact that a lot of the ladies had the same names...Gloria, Liz, Della, Maria!). So I did a lot of smiling and thanking to the air!
As I mentioned, everyone was so generous with the baby gifts. Here are a few of my favorites:
A Hooded Cat Towel that my good friend Sara made (she was there to support me meeting all the family along with my sister, Moira, and mom). Sara's one creative cat! Ha!

One of my other favorite items was a Jungle Animal babies book my mom quilted. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of it. My mom even made Claudia a Mother Goose Rhymns one. Everyone loved them!

Overall I have to say I had a really nice day and felt very lucky to have Gabe, my family and now his extended family and friends a part of my circle. And do you know what is really cool? I get to do the baby shower all over again in San Diego in another week when my sisters and best friends throw me one. See...pretty lucky!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Becker Tidbits (courtesy of my sister)
Check out the details and don't be alarmed by the lovely demure picture of me! I know...words can not express or explain!
Becker Tidbits
Friday, June 19, 2009
Where I've Been....
As you can see we've made some awesome progress but have a ways to go. Who knew redecorating long distance could be so hard (oh wait...I did)...but it will be oh so worth it when it's done! So if you don't see a post for a few more weeks...well you know where I am and what I'm doing.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Iron Girl Triathlon and Red Rock Spa
Jen and her husband own their own business and have a branch in Las Vegas so we were lucky enough to stay in their rented loft style home. It was massive and so nice! Forgot to take pictures but I'm sure to be back to visit the house so I'll take some then.
Of course besides me, her mom was very very proud of her "Jennifer Wennifer"
Both Jen's mom, Irene, and I had also planned on doing the event but due to a back/leg not cooperating for Irene and my ever expanding pregnancy belly, we were religated to cheering on the sidelines. However, the event was so inspiring we both vowed to compete next year so all 3 of us can enjoy the 'joy and pain' Jen experienced this year.
After the Triathlon, we headed back to the house to pick up Jen's Aunt/Cousin and then to the Red Rock Resort Spa for some much needed Mother's Day pampering (hey cheering someone on for almost 3 1/2 hours in the blazing sun is hard work).
The spa was luxurious and wonderful. Here's a few shots of us waiting for our treatments.
Irene, Jen and Aunt Diana
My mom and me (again I swear I look larger than I am...white is not flattering on a 6 month pregnant woman).After my much needed pedicure, I met the ladies poolside in a cabana for some fruit, fun and sun. I guess I didn't get the memo about 'shades off' or 'smile wide'.
We finished the night with some penny slots and video poker (I won $40) while we waited for dinner reservations at an Italian Restaurant in the Casino. A good and exhausting time was had by all.
I think everyone crashed out by 10pm on Saturday and were back up by 5:30-6am on Sunday morning (apparently small children have an early rise button programmed in them). Jen's hubby, was kind enough to buy us donuts and coffee (for those who needed it) and then my mom and I were on our way back to SD by around 8:30am. We made a quick detour to Pomona to visit Gabe (baby's daddy..hehehe) and ended up having my mom meet most of Gabe's family (it went really well) and I got to see the new stove/oven we purchased getting installed (so excited...I'll blog about it when I talk about the whole home renovation or Gwen taking over Gabe's house entry).
Finally, we finished our jam packed Mother's Day weekend with dinner/presents at my parents house with my brother and sister (my other sister, Moira was in Detroit for work).
Happy Mother's Day!
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sooner Birthday!
Friday, April 17, 2009
WARNING: Objects in Picture May Appear Larger Than They Are
Now the not so secret, secret I have been keeping...
I'm PREGNANT! (a collective sigh of 'phew I was going to say she had packed on some lbs' )
I am happy and excited to announce that Gabe and I are pregnant with our first baby. I am about 21 weeks along and due at the tail end of August (August 29th to be exact, though we all know how exact that really is, NOT).
We are totally jazzed as both Gabe and I have always wanted kids and this will be the first Becker grandchild for my parents, and the first BOY (yes I said BOY) for Gabe's parents in about 8 years (they have a slew of grand and great-grand kids but the last 4 have all been girls).
So many changes this year as I will be moving up to Pomona (about 2 hours from SD) after the birth of the baby and living with Gabe and then later in the year we will look to move into our own house possibly a bit closer. I still plan on working at my job (it's a great gig!) and have the opportunity to telecommute a portion of the week and then possibly stay in SD for a portion of the week when Gabe is working (he's a Police Officer so he has whacky hours). So the good news is my family and friends will get a lot of baby time (oh yeah, and still see me a tons too!)
For those of you who don't know the background; Gabe and I have had a long distance relationship for just over 3 years and he's definitely the love of my life. We have known each other for about 15 years as friends in the same circle and things just aligned and here we are!
For proof of his existence take a gander at us from our friends Sara & Nick's Wedding in 2007. I know we make a pretty good (and modest) couple! He's a handsome little devil! Hopefully our baby takes after him.
Well, that's it...that's the news...that's why I have been so sporatic in the Bloggin' department this year. But now that the cat is out of the bag (officially), I'm sure future blogs will keep you updated on the baby's progress.
Thanks for sharing in our excitement!
Happy Easter!
After dinner we all convened in the living room, or should I say Becker Bowling Alley for a little single elimination Wii Bowling. All 12 of us participated and boy all I can say is we are one competitive bunch. Even the newbies were 'in it to win it'. It took 3 rounds, but in the end, my sister's boyfriend, Jon was the victor. Though Moira gave him a run for his money in the finals.
Some parting shots of some of the participants of the Easter Festivities at the Becker Household:
Ranee & Cindy (great picture of Mom and Daughter)
Cindy & Alan