Monday, November 23, 2009

NOW #4: Cousins

Over the weekend, Nicholas' cousins came over to hang out. His older cousin, Sophia, was so good with both Nicholas and Sophia's brother, Joaquin - who happens to be a mere two and a half weeks younger than Nicholas but looks much smaller because Nick is such a brut- and kept them both entertained while the adults just sat back and relaxed.
Nicholas loves having his peeps over for chill time. As you can see, he likes to zone out.

Return of the Cake Queen

After a short stint away from cake making (no one told me having a little one was so much work..ha!), I returned to slinging frosting this past Saturday for Jen's son Wyatt's 3rd birthday. He's ga-ga over trains right now so I decided to make him a Choo-Choo train cake.
Since I'm easing back into the cake life, I decided to keep the design simple and sweet. And to my pleasant surprise I thought it turned out great! Oh she's back! Enjoy!

Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt

Thursday, October 29, 2009

NOW #3 - It's All In The Name

My parents have officially declared their grandparent names for Nicholas to call them. Any guesses? Nope not FooFoo and Mr. Becker (though highly favored by those who have known my dad for a long time). Not Grandma and Grandpa. Or Gran and Gramps. Give Up? Please meet:

(second generation as my Grandma MacQueen was called Granny as well)

(German for Grandpa)

As you might be able to tell, Nicholas already has Granny and Opa wrapped around his teeny tiny pinky!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Pumpkins, Pumpkins Everywhere

This past Sunday, we went to the Cal Poly Pomona Pumpkin Patch to fetch us some pumpkins to turn into Jack O Lanterns. Gabe, myself and Nicholas joined Gabe's brother's family (Pete, Claudia, Sophia and little Joaquin) on the venture.

I can't remember the last time I have been to an actual patch (or more like field) rather than the local Vons or Target parking lot to pick out my pumpkin. It was a lot of fun, tons of people, tons of pumpkins. Brought back great memories of going pumpkin hunting with my dad when I was a kid.

Gabe and I were excited to share the experience with Nicholas. As you can see he slept through the whole thing. I didn't have the heart to wake him up. He looked so peaceful just hanging out.
I think Gabe and his brother Pete made up for Nicholas and had the most fun...look at those two 'kids' picking up pumpkins (now I know how Gabe and I ended up with 4 yes 4 pumpkins for just the three of us. Oh well guess we have a lot of carving and toasted pumpkin seeds in our future).

After we picked our perfect pumpkins, we even had time for a family photo op!

All in all a great day. I'll let you know how the pumpkins turned out once we carve them.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

NOW #2 - Male Model

I have wanted to get some professional pictures taken of Nicholas since he was born but it took me until last weekend to finally do it. My sister Moira recommended a friend of hers and I am so glad as I think she did a fabulous job.

And Nicholas did a faboulous job too...if professional athlete doesn't pan out I think he might have a future as a male model. What do you think?

If you want to see a few more shots go to Mandi Horn Photography Blog where she has posted a few shots of Nicholas on her blog. I just love the one with Nicholas and his Granny. Mandi is a great photographer and her blog is filled with wonderful shots of families, weddings and babies etc.

Once I get a CD full of the rest of the pictures (she took tons!) I'm hoping to share a few more. So be prepared to be bombared with all that is Nicholas!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

NOW #1: Fishing Hat

I'm trying to keep up a little more with my postings as I'm sure everyone is curious to know what's going on in my little sector of the world. As evidenced by my last couple of postings, Nicholas is now the center of my world & universe and as such most everything I do these days involves him in some fashion.

So taking a cue from my co-worker's wife, Beth, I thought I would start a picture of the week (or as Beth affectionately calls it POW). Beth has been doing this on her blog for a while now and it's always a fun way to peek into her world of days gone by.

For my effort, I am going to modify the POW to a NOW (Nicholas picture Of the Week of course) and try and do a posting once a week.

Here we go...........................

This first NOW #1 is Nicholas in a WAY TO BIG but damn adorable fishing hat this past Saturday. His Aunt Lil wanted to take him outside and needed a hat because of the sun, and this is what I came up with (it was this or a beanie). Doesn't he looked thrilled?

I think he looks frickin' adorable.. (biased but on the mark..hehehe)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Nicholas's First Month

It appears I have very little precious time in between naps, feedings, and holding/ staring/ kissing/ entertaining my little bundle of joy, Nicholas....but thought I would share a few of my favorite pictures of the little monkey taken over the past month. I can't believe how much he has changed in such a little amount of time.

Here's what I think Nicholas was thinking in these photos:

"What you looking at Willis?"
"Ooh it's naked Tuesday already?"
"I am so not digging this hat/onsie combo..though I do look cute as can be!"
"Ah this is the life. Free room and board...comfy"
"In the jungle the mighty jungle..."

I have taken tons of pictures but have uploaded most of them to Kodakgallery. I will try and go through them and post some more as soon as possible.
I can't believe a month has flown by so quickly and that I'm a mom to such a wonderful little human lucky am I?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to the World Nicholas!

On Wednesday, August 26th, Gabe and I welcomed our new baby boy, Nicholas Phillip Becker Ruiz into the world at 12:32pm (via c-section). He weighed 8lbs 2oz and measured 20 inches long. Of course he is perfect!
Since that day, Gabe and I have enjoyed every moment of being parents to Nicholas. We have learned that you really can survive off of 45 minutes sleep if need be; that we are on Nicholas' schedule (at least for the first couple of weeks); we've learned that we make a pretty good tag team for diapers, burpings, comforting and well cracking ourselves up (that might be due to the lack of sleep, but either way we are two funny people at least to each other!)

I've also learned that I still don't like belly buttons (the umbilical cord is disgusting) , breastfeeding is totally rewarding but hurts like hell those first few weeks; dirty diapers are disgusting but a necessary evil and smiles from my baby are the most wonderful sight (you can say it's just baby gas...but I like to think it's Nicholas laughing at his parents)!

Overall, this has been the most precious and rewarding time of my life. I feel so lucky to have been able to bring Nicholas into our lives. And thank you to all of you for the congratulations and well wishes...Gabe and I are really touched by everyone's excitement and genuine interest in our new bundle of joy.

So welcome Nicholas Phillip Becker are so loved!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Uncle Richard Takes a Bath

Last night my parents added a new member to their home....Uncle Richard!

Uncle Richard is a 10 week old kitten that was found by one of my sister's friends and was looking for a good home for the kitten. My parents have been wanting 2 kittens for quite a while since our family cat, Baldy, passed away last year.

Well, finally part of their kitty dreams are coming true. Uncle Richard was introduced to my mom and dad last night after my sister picked him up and gave him a bath (see how tiny he is). They are hoping to add a sibling kitten to the home next week.

And in case you are wondering why 'Uncle Richard' for the kittens need to look no further than the fact my dad was in charge of naming the kittens. If you know his humor then it makes perfect sense. I believe Bobo is going to be the name of the other kitten. As my mom said, well it's better than what your father wanted to name one of them.....NUMBNUTS!

Welcome to the household Uncle Richard. All your cat cousins can't wait to meet you!

It's a Canadian Wedding..don't ya know?

Last month, my Cousin Neil married his long time love (and mother of his adorable son Garrick), Kelly, in their homeland of Canada. My parents decided to attend the nuptials seeing how my mom and Neil are very close.

I don't have much details of the actual wedding to share, but did want to share some of the photos that were taken.

My parents and my mom's oldest sister, Jeanette and her husband Gavin.My parents looking all daper! I love when my parents dress up! They look goooood!!!

A good shot of the happy couple and extended family.

Congratulations to Neil and Kelly! They make an awesome couple. Can't wait to see them in September when they come to San Diego for their 'California Honeymoon'.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Pomona Baby Shower

This past weekend Gabe's sister, Lillian, threw me and Gabe's sister-in-law, Claudia, a joint baby shower up in Pomona. Claudia is 3 1/2 weeks behind me and also having a boy! The shower was really nice. I wasn't sure what to expect since I haven't met most of Gabe's extended family, but everyone was so gracious and generous.
Here's the two pregnant ladies at the start of the shower. Yeah, I'm only 3 1/2 weeks ahead of Claudia and you can barely tell she's pregnant, and me, well I'm on baby belly (and face, arms,legs, boobs and ass) overdrive. Oh well, at least I'm rockin' my dress!

We sat outside for most of the shower, enjoying food, games and conversation, but when it came time to open the gifts we moved into the air conditioned house. By the way, air conditioning seems to diminish in power when there are 30 plus women crammed into one room. I was sweating like a pregnant pig in heat (or maybe that was my nerves kickin it).

It was a crazy experience opening gifts as Claudia and I did it at the same time. Which was good and bad. Good because it kept the focus off of me to a minimum but bad because I couldn't see what cool gifts Claudia was getting. Oh, and as much as I loved all the gifts (cute onsies and baby things), I had the hardest time thanking people because I had just met most of them 2 hours prior and didn't remember names. (Or it could have also been due to the fact that a lot of the ladies had the same names...Gloria, Liz, Della, Maria!). So I did a lot of smiling and thanking to the air!

As I mentioned, everyone was so generous with the baby gifts. Here are a few of my favorites:

A Hooded Cat Towel that my good friend Sara made (she was there to support me meeting all the family along with my sister, Moira, and mom). Sara's one creative cat! Ha!

A Dodger themed Diaper Cake. I don't think the pictures do it justice. It was magnificent. besides diapers, there were little Nikes, and Pullover Sweaters just like Gabe wears, socks and booties, and bottles, and so much more. Now anyone who knows me knows I'm not a Dodgers fan, but I let it slide because Gabe's sister Lillian is the one who made it, and two I'm hoping my family/friends at the shower I have down in San Diego bring some Padres/Chargers pride to balance it out!

One of my other favorite items was a Jungle Animal babies book my mom quilted. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of it. My mom even made Claudia a Mother Goose Rhymns one. Everyone loved them!

After all the hooplah of the marathon gift opening, everyone headed over to the cupcake lion and alligator dessert before heading home for the evening. Pretty cool huh?

Overall I have to say I had a really nice day and felt very lucky to have Gabe, my family and now his extended family and friends a part of my circle. And do you know what is really cool? I get to do the baby shower all over again in San Diego in another week when my sisters and best friends throw me one. See...pretty lucky!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Becker Tidbits (courtesy of my sister)

Moira beat me to the punch posting about the Becker's belated Father's Day celebration last night.

Check out the details and don't be alarmed by the lovely demure picture of me! I know...words can not express or explain!

Becker Tidbits

Friday, June 19, 2009

Where I've Been....

I bet you have been wondering where the heck I have been or what I have been up to since I haven't updated the blog in over a month. Well as we all know by know, Gabe and I are expecting our first little (or should I say big as he is measuring at about 97% right now based off of ultrasounds!) one at the end of August.

And before I get anymore ginormous (it's a word) and can't travel anymore, I have been spending every weekend up in Pomona working with Gabe on turning his bachelor pad of a house for the past 6 years into our home. We have painted (or should I say Gabe and his family), put in new carpet, bought curtains/blinds, new furniture, comforters, name it..we are doing it. What makes it challenging is the house is really old and made completely of brick (no drywall except in the bathroom) so hanging stuff and painting have been frustrating at times.

However, don't get me wrong, things are progressing well if not slowly. What also makes it hard is we only have less than about 48 hours each weekend to get stuff done and try and spend some quality time together as well. We are both exhuasted but think we see the end of the home update tunnel.

Check out some of our work:
Nursery/Guest Bedroom (door view...look at all the brick) Closeup of Nursery Valance Crib and Bedding (notice the LAPD dog in the corner. Gabe bought that for the little one...too cute!)Sports themed Ceiling Fan (I love this)Once we put up the closet doors I'll take a few more pics of the Nursery so you can see how it all ties together.

Master Bedroom Window Treatments (and another view of all the brick)
New dining room table/light fixture/carpet (love that the table is bar height but we still need to paint walls and hang new curtains)

As you can see we've made some awesome progress but have a ways to go. Who knew redecorating long distance could be so hard (oh wait...I did)...but it will be oh so worth it when it's done! So if you don't see a post for a few more weeks...well you know where I am and what I'm doing.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Iron Girl Triathlon and Red Rock Spa

This past weekend, I was in Las Vegas for a triathlon and Spa Day for Mother's Day weekend. It was a fun filled and very packed weekend...but oh so much fun (and somewhat relaxing at times).

I made the trip with my mom and we caravanned up to Vegas, following my best friend, Jen, her 3 kids, her cousin, aunt and Jen's mother and stepfather. We left around noon Friday from San Diego and arrived in Las Vegas a mere 6 1/2 hours later. Lots of stops for pee-breaks for the kids (and the pregnant gal).

Jen and her husband own their own business and have a branch in Las Vegas so we were lucky enough to stay in their rented loft style home. It was massive and so nice! Forgot to take pictures but I'm sure to be back to visit the house so I'll take some then.

On Saturday morning we woke up at a very reasonable (not!) 4:45am as Jen had to be at the All-Women's Triathlon by 6am for a 6:35am swim start. Me, my mom and Jen's mom went to support Jen in her all-women's triathlon.

Jen did awesome! She conquered her anxiety about the swim ...
and despite the blazing heat and horrendous hills (she swears a man designed the course!) finished in a great time of just over 3hours 31 minutes. She even had a smile on her face as she crossed the finished line.

Of course besides me, her mom was very very proud of her "Jennifer Wennifer"

Both Jen's mom, Irene, and I had also planned on doing the event but due to a back/leg not cooperating for Irene and my ever expanding pregnancy belly, we were religated to cheering on the sidelines. However, the event was so inspiring we both vowed to compete next year so all 3 of us can enjoy the 'joy and pain' Jen experienced this year.

After the Triathlon, we headed back to the house to pick up Jen's Aunt/Cousin and then to the Red Rock Resort Spa for some much needed Mother's Day pampering (hey cheering someone on for almost 3 1/2 hours in the blazing sun is hard work).

The spa was luxurious and wonderful. Here's a few shots of us waiting for our treatments.

Irene, Jen and Aunt Diana

My mom and me (again I swear I look larger than I am...white is not flattering on a 6 month pregnant woman).After my much needed pedicure, I met the ladies poolside in a cabana for some fruit, fun and sun. I guess I didn't get the memo about 'shades off' or 'smile wide'.

We finished the night with some penny slots and video poker (I won $40) while we waited for dinner reservations at an Italian Restaurant in the Casino. A good and exhausting time was had by all.

I think everyone crashed out by 10pm on Saturday and were back up by 5:30-6am on Sunday morning (apparently small children have an early rise button programmed in them). Jen's hubby, was kind enough to buy us donuts and coffee (for those who needed it) and then my mom and I were on our way back to SD by around 8:30am. We made a quick detour to Pomona to visit Gabe (baby's daddy..hehehe) and ended up having my mom meet most of Gabe's family (it went really well) and I got to see the new stove/oven we purchased getting installed (so excited...I'll blog about it when I talk about the whole home renovation or Gwen taking over Gabe's house entry).

Finally, we finished our jam packed Mother's Day weekend with dinner/presents at my parents house with my brother and sister (my other sister, Moira was in Detroit for work).

Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sooner Birthday!

Today is one of my best friend, Jen's, husband's 38th birthday and besides heading over to their house after work for a Birthday BBQ, I am bringing him a Sooners Helmet Cake (or attempt at one anyways).

After a lot of trial and's the end result.

Not perfect (wish I could have figure out how to make the face mask stay but the fondant I used kept falling so I had to just pipe it on) but not half bad right?

So to all you Sooner Nation Fans out there and CHAD.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Friday, April 17, 2009

WARNING: Objects in Picture May Appear Larger Than They Are

First the picture to go with the Title of this Blog (which is referring to me, not my petite mom)

Now the not so secret, secret I have been keeping...

I'm PREGNANT! (a collective sigh of 'phew I was going to say she had packed on some lbs' )

I am happy and excited to announce that Gabe and I are pregnant with our first baby. I am about 21 weeks along and due at the tail end of August (August 29th to be exact, though we all know how exact that really is, NOT).

We are totally jazzed as both Gabe and I have always wanted kids and this will be the first Becker grandchild for my parents, and the first BOY (yes I said BOY) for Gabe's parents in about 8 years (they have a slew of grand and great-grand kids but the last 4 have all been girls).

So many changes this year as I will be moving up to Pomona (about 2 hours from SD) after the birth of the baby and living with Gabe and then later in the year we will look to move into our own house possibly a bit closer. I still plan on working at my job (it's a great gig!) and have the opportunity to telecommute a portion of the week and then possibly stay in SD for a portion of the week when Gabe is working (he's a Police Officer so he has whacky hours). So the good news is my family and friends will get a lot of baby time (oh yeah, and still see me a tons too!)

For those of you who don't know the background; Gabe and I have had a long distance relationship for just over 3 years and he's definitely the love of my life. We have known each other for about 15 years as friends in the same circle and things just aligned and here we are!

For proof of his existence take a gander at us from our friends Sara & Nick's Wedding in 2007. I know we make a pretty good (and modest) couple! He's a handsome little devil! Hopefully our baby takes after him.

Well, that's it...that's the news...that's why I have been so sporatic in the Bloggin' department this year. But now that the cat is out of the bag (officially), I'm sure future blogs will keep you updated on the baby's progress.

Thanks for sharing in our excitement!

Happy Easter!

This Easter was spent with all my siblings, my parents, my sisters' 'significant others' and Moira's mother-in-law, sister-in-law and beau. Gabe ended up spending Easter with his family in Pomona (but one of these days soon you'll see him at a family gathering, I promise).

We had a really yummy meal and easy going conversation for dinner. Moira even made these adorable chick cutouts for part of the table decoration (sorry for the blurred picture):

Here's my family 'hamming' it up for the camera:
For dessert I attempted to make a garden themed cake with a new cake pan my mom had given me for Christmas. The mini cakes turned out awesome (carrot cake can't go wrong), but frosting those suckers was another story. I ended up putting some of the 'veggies' on a round cake that I decorated with a bit too bright pink and purple cream cheese frosting...but the crushed oreos for dirt and the overall affect was still cute (in my humble opinion). Judge for yourself (btw...the vegetables were suppose to be carrots, lettuce, pea pods and radishes...a stretch...I know).

After dinner we all convened in the living room, or should I say Becker Bowling Alley for a little single elimination Wii Bowling. All 12 of us participated and boy all I can say is we are one competitive bunch. Even the newbies were 'in it to win it'. It took 3 rounds, but in the end, my sister's boyfriend, Jon was the victor. Though Moira gave him a run for his money in the finals.

Doesn't Jon look happy he won?
After all that fun, we all got our Easter Baskets (hey, I may be 36 but I still am a candy loving girl at heart!) and hopped along our merry ways.

Some parting shots of some of the participants of the Easter Festivities at the Becker Household:

Moira & Sheona (can you tell they're my sisters?)

My Dad in his 'take me serious' pose:

Moira's hubby, Mark, loving that I always take pictures of him:
The Extended Easter Family (The Hills):
Ranee & Cindy (great picture of Mom and Daughter)

Cindy & Alan

Hope everyone else had as great an Easter as we did!