Monday, September 28, 2009

Nicholas's First Month

It appears I have very little precious time in between naps, feedings, and holding/ staring/ kissing/ entertaining my little bundle of joy, Nicholas....but thought I would share a few of my favorite pictures of the little monkey taken over the past month. I can't believe how much he has changed in such a little amount of time.

Here's what I think Nicholas was thinking in these photos:

"What you looking at Willis?"
"Ooh it's naked Tuesday already?"
"I am so not digging this hat/onsie combo..though I do look cute as can be!"
"Ah this is the life. Free room and board...comfy"
"In the jungle the mighty jungle..."

I have taken tons of pictures but have uploaded most of them to Kodakgallery. I will try and go through them and post some more as soon as possible.
I can't believe a month has flown by so quickly and that I'm a mom to such a wonderful little human lucky am I?


Auntie Moira said...

I love that boy!! We need weekly picture updates! (since you have so much free time :)

Sara M. said...

I agree with Moira. More photos in your spare time! Nicholas is beautiful. Um. . . I mean very very handsome.

Beth said...

Congratulations, lady - your Nicholas is such a beautiful boy. Thanks for posting updates in your "spare" (haha) time!